September 14, 2008

weekend brunch

I think I may have mentioned several times before that breakfast foods have always been in my list of favorites. There's just something about the sweet and savory combination that makes me crave it. Unfortunately, we all know that the rich food combination is not advisable for our daily comsumption. Pictured above are just a few examples of what we usually make for our weekend brunches at home. Some kind of colorful fruit combination, pancakes or waffles (it doesn't really matter), bacon or ham, and some eggs, like the classic mushroom omelets shown here. Rarely do we fry a whole slab of bacon these days, so it's a treat when we do have it. If I don't have ham available, I tend to use smaller quantities of it to flavor the bean soups I cook during the week. The mushroom omelet was a special treat as well. For the filling, saute sliced or diced fresh mushrooms (button or baby bellas for a stronger flavor) in a little olive oil and butter until cooked but not well done. The mushrooms will cook a bit more while resting. Season with a little salt and pepper. Set aside while preparing the rest of the meal. This is one weekend treat that's always something to look forward to.

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