Pizza making at home has led to many interesting combinations and results. Another attempt was inspired not only by our deep dish pizza experience at Giordano's in Chicago this year but also by two of our recent acquisitions, a Chicago-style pizza cookbook and a deep dish pizza pan. There are several recipes in the cookbook but this stuffed pizza caught my interest. I was hoping for a thinner crust than this but we couldn't complain, the crust turned out evenly browned and crispy. To illustrate how crispy it was, the pizza slice didn't even bend or droop when I picked it up. Although we were not surprised that this was definitely no match nor did it come close to those traditional deep dish brick oven pizzas, I must say our pizza experiments so far has been a consistent success, easy and fun, thanks to our team effort. I make the dough, my husband takes care of the filling as well as the baking and slicing. But I guess the best part of the process is the tasting, and we both agree, homemade, piping hot pizza straight from the oven is so much better than delivery.
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