January 22, 2013

roasted romanesque cauliflower

This is just one of the many reasons why we appreciate the produce box we get almost weekly now depending on how interesting the variety is. This romanesque or romanesco cauliflower is one beautiful vegetable with its perfectly formed tips and amazing patterns.

I've never seen romanesque cauliflower sold in the local groceries where I shop but I've read about it in a few websites. We were excited to finally get a chance to try it. I cut off the tips from the tough base and slice the bigger tips in half. After transferring them to a roasting pan, I tossed them in olive oil, a little salt and pepper then cooked them until they were very tender.

roasted romanesque cauliflower with pattypan squash
roast the vegetables until very tender
served with couscous for a light and healthy side dish

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